Wednesday, May 23, 2007


You know I've mentioned before about the "rut" I've been in lately and I have really been praying to God over it. Slowly but surely He is revealing ways to me to lift the burden and the heaviness that pulls me down. I think a alot of what I go through is guilt and worry. It seems the only thing that brightens me are my children. No matter what, they have done nothing to deserve my rollercoaster moods and in order to change I need to keep that in mind at all times. As you can see I really beat myself up over stuff and truth be known, I am a very good mother and being able to write this all down truely helps as well.

Onto other stuff: I am having a blast with this myspace thing. I didn't think I would either. However, I am meeting new people and its cool as hell!! Nothing more, nothing less, just all on the level and did I mention FUN!!! Count down to the beach is on. 24 days and counting!!! Need I say anymore.

1 comment:

Kuan said...

Cat life is a rollercoaster... indeed but when you let it all go to the universe the answers come and so does the serinity along with it. Some times I have to remember that God is doing for me what I cannot do alone and if you don't belive that believe that I believe it for you.
I'm so glad you get to go to the beach to feel connected to The goddess mother earth in all her splendor, it will be a healing journey for you friend I see this for you.
Take some time connect with her, send her your message and she will answer it 10 fold.
