Sunday, May 6, 2007

Sunday Morning

What a beautiful sunday morning. It has finally stopped raining, and everything is crisp and clear. My house is finally clean (for the moment) and that is a good feeling. I had a decent birthday, its not so bad turning 35, hell I still get carded for cigarettes, so I can't complain. I'm going to my sisters' house for a cook-out later and spend time with her family and eat lots o' food!!! All in all, a nice weekend.


Dream Owl said...


Mine isn't until October. I've past the years of excitement for every year gained. LOL, I hit twenty-nine this year...

And I may stay at twenty-nine for a while, LOL.

Kuan said...

Happy B Day Cat sorry I'm late to say it, I'm so glad you had an amazing day, you totally deserve it.
